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Green Lantern Coaster


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Not going to lie, the whole movie is pretty hilarious for just how absurd it is. This is coming from someone who had no idea about the comic book though, so a lot of the super powers and particularly the villains came as a bit of a surprise. :lol: If the ride turns out good I won't complain about theming choice though, and that doesn't look like it will be an issue. Even if you haven't seen the movie, most people would have heard of the Green Lantern, so the longetivy of the movies popularity shouldn't really matter.

Edited by keadz
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hopefully it is indeed Riddler themed Green Lantern was a fail of a movie, and there is no sequel planned. Would be a weird choice basing a brand new signature ride on a single unspectacular movie when you could incorporate it into the Batman themed area and to a worthwhile and long lasting (ever lasting for that matter) theme

Green Lantern has been around a lot longer than this latest movie attempt. It makes sense to put in something different, afterall they've already got Superman. Makes it more of a superhero land rather than just Batman & Superman land
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the film being a flop has nothing to do with it being a suitable theme for a new ride. Certainly a more exciting theme than a rusty old circular saw? It's Green Lantern People!! Stop speculating and start getting excited about how this puppy turns out. can't wait :D I'm still wondering how it's going to properly link into the Park? I'm guessing they will knock part of the wall down out front of Batman and build over the waterway somehow. Still seems like an awkward location to me, at least for the moment anyhow

Edited by MickeyD
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Green lantern? I'm a little disappointed actually. I saw this coaster type as a perfect opportunity to use the joker or the riddler as the theme...el loco's have elements that are wacky, crazy...just like the personalities of the aforementioned super villains. Besides we don't have a ride at movie world themed to a super villian, it would break it up a bit with all the heroes (superman, batman, scooby gang). It's going to be interesting to see what the storyline (if any) will be for this ride. Because at the moment i'm finding it hard to think of something that fits with the el loco design. Anybody have any ideas? Movieworld have done a fantastic job with taking a variety of ride/rollercoaster types and giving them an appropriate theme. e.g. Wild mouse for scooby (small cars and tight cornering pays respect to a traditional haunted house ride), rocket coaster for a Superman theme (0-100 in 2 seconds...mimics superman's super speed and flight), Batwing (vertical launch, just like the the Batwing aircraft). And I'm sure this time will be no exception. yeah, I might be a little bummed about the theme, but I'm confident whatever MW have up their sleeve won't let us down :) Plus, if the ride turns out to be good, it'll make up for it. But.....please, whatever they do, hopefully they won't go for the 'six flags' look, when it comes to superhero themed rides (http://rcdb.com/9519.htm?p=35389 Stick on some graphics and a statue of the green lantern's lantern lolololol

Edited by Luke
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yeah, I might be a little bummed about the theme, but I'm confident whatever MW have up their sleeve won't let us down :) Plus, if the ride turns out to be good, it'll make up for it. But.....please, whatever they do, hopefully they won't go for the 'six flags' look, when it comes to superhero themed rides (http://rcdb.com/9519.htm?p=35389 Stick on some graphics and a statue of the green lantern's lantern lolololol

The good thing about Movie World is that they pretty much do everything well. We all know it's the quality park, not the quantity park (although a bit more quantity would be good - just don't lower the standards to do it!). This gives me great faith that this ride will be an excellent addition. At the very least it is a full circuit coaster with some nice steep drops - something DW seems incapable of building. I am far more excited for this than Buzzsaw, even though Buzzsaw's back story and concept is well done. Village Roadshow just seem like they understand theme parks better and know how to deliver international standard attractions
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hopefully it is indeed Riddler themed Green Lantern was a fail of a movie, and there is no sequel planned. Would be a weird choice basing a brand new signature ride on a single unspectacular movie when you could incorporate it into the Batman themed area and to a worthwhile and long lasting (ever lasting for that matter) theme

Its definitely Green Lantern, hence the unexplained cinematic delay from sister company Village Roadshow, putting the DVD release right around the same time this ride opens. Also despite its under performing box office in the US, Green Lantern 2 got an official green light the week prior to its Australian release. By placing Green Lantern at the front of the park it establishes the area with the beginnings of a nice little Justice League theme, which no doubt will expand in early 2012. Why hide the new attraction in a sound stage or rear of the park? The product placement on this one is as promotionally brilliant as when Superman's iconic red track emeraged above the park entrance -- it makes for one powerful billboard for passers by.
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I wonder if there are any plans to move the entrance of the park, so the whole idea of a 'super hero' area can be better executed.

I have to say I do find it strange that they are building this ride outside the park gates. There is also such a big clustering of rides around this entry area now. Most parks normally have rides set back from the main entry areas. I guess in some ways it makes sense because they will be wanting to compete with Buzzsaw which can also be seen from the highway. At some stage I do hope they go back to building rides well inside the park proper again and expand the boundaries in other directions if possible
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Its definitely Green Lantern, hence the unexplained cinematic delay from sister company Village Roadshow, putting the DVD release right around the same time this ride opens.

Whilst you may be 100% correct re: it being Green Lantern and creating a Justice League area in the park, there is absolutely no way in the conceivable world that the cinematic release of Green Lantern in Australia was delayed in order to have the DVD release timed to the opening of the ride. That is about as far fetched an idea as i've ever heard.
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Does anyone else get the feeling that this isnt an El Loco coaster? I mean i think i read something somewhere that said the cars are 4 seats across 2 rows deep, 2 cars per train? From anything i have seen El loco's are 2 seats across, 2 rows deep, 1 car per train. I also remember Steel Hawg was an exceptionally small footprint.. The area cleared for the Movieworld's new coaster looks fairly big. One can only hope when comparing Spongebob at Mall of America Vs. Steel Hawg... Spongebob was by far the better ride. Fingers crossed!

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Was going to post this before but thought people would have read in the latest update it being said it is an El Loco. Steel Hawg track: a3vak8002pbfib72a8afgo.jpg Movie World track: 0909-1_El_Loco_constru_IMG_0216.JPG Should be somewhat obvious what is being built. For starters Eurofighter track supports bolt directly to the track and don't have a flat plate as seen in the two photos above.

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Its been a while since I've actually singed on to comment but I just had to reply to this motion that its a Euro-fighter. I personally, highly doubt that its a Euro Fighter...The track in the pictures look WAY to narrow for a Euro-Fighter train (it looks REALLY narrow in the pictures. No more than 1m or so) but we can always hope ;)

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Was going to post this before but thought people would have read in the latest update it being said it is an El Loco. Snip.

Its been a while since I've actually singed on to comment but I just had to reply to this motion that its a Euro-fighter. I personally, highly doubt that its a Euro Fighter...The track in the pictures look WAY to narrow for a Euro-Fighter train (it looks REALLY narrow in the pictures. No more than 1m or so) but we can always hope ;)

Yep, going by that, I hope we get a Euro-fighter too. ..S&S have a 14 day return policy, right?
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It is sure this is an el loco comparing the tracks and the supports. And the eurofighter is really unconfortable (especially the harnesses)and vibrating coaster. So the el loco seem's better. The only bad point is the harnesses too which are confortable but have some problems that reduce the capacity of the ride (the new el loco in France)

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Yep, going by that, I hope we get a Euro-fighter too. ..S&S have a 14 day return policy, right?

Why? Eurofighters kind of suck. The problem is that they are like a wild mouse masquerading as a full size coaster, and trying to run compact cars through the size of inversions you see on Eurofighters jus fails miserably from a force/pacing standpoint. At least the El Loco makes the most of the design, and does the crazy stuff a full sized coaster can't.
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Figured we were due for a name change of this thread... As far as the track goes, as others have said it's definitely S&S. As for 2 vs. 4-across seating. I'd say this would be a likely explanation for the additional diagonal bracing that the Movie World track features but doesn't appear on any of the previous El Loco installations.

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