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Luna park 9 new rides construction


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11 minutes ago, Ranger said:

Is SH under maintenance or is it just a glitch because a lot of other rides are under maintenance?

Sledgehammer was testing the other day (it does a full 360 rotation which is wild) but last night it seems that it was down. No official reason has been given as of yet, but considering it was down last night means that likely its not a glitch which is a shame cause it looks like a wild attraction.

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So 9 News did a story last night on Luna Park before they reopen. I think it's safe to say, judging by the mere banner they have for "Luna Land", as opposed to the proper signage in the concept art, money genuinely really is tight with them atm and so theming has had to take a back step. https://fb.watch/8NTy22YqPl/

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1 hour ago, Ranger said:

What rides? I can swing by and say hi.

No idea what particular attraction, as they tell us when we get there. It will be Rockin, inside or outside Coney Island, Tango Train attendant or Loopy Lighthouse. Those are all the rides I’m trained on haha. If you see a guy masking a beard, with a name tag that says “Gabriel”, that’s me haha. 

Edited by Gtmichaels
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9 hours ago, Coasterjoe said:

Will be a sad day for coaster enthusiasts when it retires. I hope both Luna Parks have ambition to preserve wild mouse and scenic railway for as long as they possibly can. 

They do. They have to. There are heritage orders on. It’s and the operators must maintain both rides. 

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