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Movie World New Park Map


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It's TERRIBLE, just like all their marketing initiatives of late. So ugly and basic. I personally think a theme park's map is vital. Not to mention I could barely look at it in mobile as they are still using their old site. I had to come back here to look at the version uploaded in this thread.

It just doesn't make the park look fun at all. I don't know why they didn't just use the artist who created the WnW Sydney map - that style is much more suitable for a theme park. It's also a shame they couldn't fit more of DC RIvals in. If they'd gone for a style with more artistic license, rather than trying to be 'realistic', they could have.

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Not a fan, here's my reasoning:

  1. There's a reason why all of Disney's parks, all of Cedar Fair's parks, Hershey, Silver Dollar City, Dollywood, Dreamworld etc. etc. all use a similar design language - by not being a 1:1 scaled photorealistic design, you can augment the widths of paths and skew attraction sizes so that the map can show access routes far more easily. Universal's is probably the closest in design, but even then their version of photorealistic is by and large not a 1:1 scale style map like this one.
  2. There's no soul. With the previous maps being hand drawn, they had this sense of being a still life scene of being inside the park.
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Really poor map. My husband and I have done a lot of design work with parks in Victoria over the last 12 years, designing 3 different park maps over that time. They're not easy to create but this one doesn't communicate the park clearly or show off the rides very well. It looks like 'shed city'.

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I think enough has been said already about how shit the map is so I don't need to butt in there.

What I will say is that I like how they've represented the rides realistically on this, but everything else about it actually being usable as a map is terrible. There's a pretty standard way that every other park I've seen does this and that's for a good reason.

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4 minutes ago, AllegroCrab said:

I think enough has been said already about how shit the map is so I don't need to butt in there.

What I will say is that I like how they've represented the rides realistically on this, but everything else about it actually being usable as a map is terrible. There's a pretty standard way that every other park I've seen does this and that's for a good reason.

You might want to check Arkham Asylum.

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As far as a "Map" goes, its not very useful. The last one they had on the website was just as useful. The thumbnail they used for the map previously showed that it could point you in the direction of lockers, food, toilets and the likes. But instead all you got were the ride locations and i had to ask @pin142w here the lockers were to plan for my trip in 2 weeks. Nowhere on the website does it say where the aforementioned amenities and the likes are either, yet the Seaworld and WnW maps do, same with Dreamworld. All in all, its as @MickeyD said, its not a map. its artwork (read glorified ride list.)

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Wild West Falls looks nothing like Wild West Falls, LW is green, and you can't even see Superman Escape's iconic top hat. Now more than ever, with DC Rivals stretching out of the park perimeter, it would have made sense to go with a traditional interpretive park map that uses plenty of creative license and doesn't need to show rides to scale.

Edited by GoGoBoy
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I just noticed where the Batwing Spaceshot label is too.


Yeah I've said before I really like the cartoon style maps they've had in the past.  I think this one could be improved rather a lot by turning off the shadows and looking a bit more top down (which might be possible if it was made in a computer).  Make the paths prominent and less 'real' and you might get a useable map.

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We've basically all established what makes this map so bad, but after looking at the map and comparing it to maps from dreamworld, Disneyland, cedar point etc, I've found three common things that makes this map so shitty.

The first being the shadows. Most other park maps do not have shadows, or if they do they are very subtle and almost invisible. I have no idea why the tones and shadows used are so dark, nor the reason the shadows are facing so strongly to the south of the park (correct me if i'm wrong) it's like 6am if the sunrise was in the north. 

The second being the content shown. Is the carpark a new world class attraction now? WHY do they need to show their carpark, sheds, restricted areas and trees! It takes up half the map. Almost no other park maps in the world show their carparks, let alone that much of it.

And the last is the scale. As pointed out previously. Generally all other park maps do not use a 1:1 scale. I love how the Cedar Point maps use scale and show height. The rides are kept really small except for generally the first drop, making it easy to notice but giving more room to show accurate resemblance to their paths and walk way.

The bare minimum they should do is turn the shadows down and rotate the park to the positioning it use to be in to remove some of the carpark, sheds and backlots.

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