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Luna park 9 new rides construction


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22 minutes ago, 19Michael96 said:

Gurl it's not finished yet. The platform surface hasn't even been completed. Other rides that have this chain fence actually have graphic backdrops wrapped around it; who's to say this won't be the case here? And that bridge is a necessity given the layout of the coaster; how else are people gonna access the loading station from the Big Dipper building

The point is that’s the fence. I don’t want to see some vinyl wrap that will fade/tear, etc on an awkwardly placed crappy fence. A simple timber fence would be much for fitting. 

Same for the bridge, why is it in raw gal? Looks temporary. 

It all looks crap, cheap and temporary, they can do better, and for little expense. Now if they rip all this out before opening and give it nice traditional seaside pier dressing then I’ll be the first one to say “great, nice simple touches and glad that stuff before was temporary”. 
But THIS, right now, looks crap. 

And I’m a little tired of the line the gist of which is “this area/ride/station always looked crap so it’s fitting for it to be that now.”

Come on, do better. I’m not asking for Disneyland, but why must Australia constantly have the half assed version of everything when the entire rest of the world constantly shows it can be done better. 

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11 hours ago, Slick said:

The point I'm making is that inside of that budget, there's still plenty of decision making that lands us in "generic modern corporate" and not at all in the realm of Luna Park Sydney. Take Sledgehammer's logo for example:


This ultra-modern "theme park" logo is such a juxtaposition to the brand that it almost looks out of place on the website. And it would've cost the exact same amount of money to design a more fitting logo, more fitting colour, more fitting trim etc. etc. 

Yeah I'm not gonna sit here and say that the area/logos/signage look spectacular but I don't think it was a lack of effort as much as a bad decision made by probably someone higher up without a creative bone in their body and carried out by someone with no power to change it.

The fact to me that Volare fits well with the classic Boardwalk theming and was their most recent attraction before these seems to point to them thinking the Maloney's Corner area doesn't need thematic consistency with the turn of the Century Board Walk theming the rest of the park at least attempts to emulate.

I'm not gonna fully pass judgement on Big Dipper's queue and station until it's complete though, a few weeks back we would have thought there wasn't going to be a themed wall blocking the station but now that is coming in. As I said earlier it currently looks more like a scare maze then a queue but there's still a few months till opening. I would be interested to see the rules in regards to a queue being so close to and going over a ride envelope.

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Volaré fits into the boardwalk-style of rides you'd typically see, so does Hair Raiser (loading area at least). 

This is a missed opportunity to continue the traditional boardwalk theme for sure. I also see them trying to be slightly different as they have been tho. You can't block an office building, and I'm sure a colour pallet had to be used to some degree to keep residents happy. The main pathway big enough for North Sydney’s largest fire truck has most likely also been a reason the back has some space and in other areas, it does not. 

The overall feel of the park will still be good. Yes, it's a massive shame we don't get all the amazing artwork that the front of the park has but I know for a fact the park artist Ashley is up to his eyes balls in restorations and general appearance. For him, to hand paint, many murals or signs would have taken years, that's normally the case. I'm not massive on vinyl wraps left outdoors for years also. Just have a look at the back of Coney island and you'll see why. 

For the park to invest in these changes without any form of government, money during this pandemic has been a miracle. While some things are left short I think they will rectify some things over time, like murals, ride signage etc. 

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40 minutes ago, New display name said:

Why wouldn't it be?

The only reason I can think of is if it were a required exit that needed to be 60 min fire rated.

Even so they could have done nicer stuff than chainlink fencing and galvanised stairs.

Looks a bit like it belongs at the department of corrections.



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I think its safe to say that what we are ending up with for the expansion insofar as theming can at best be described as barely adequate. What must be remembered here is that the main person for planning this expansion, Brad Loxely, left 12 months before the actual announcement and the final plans. I know for a fact that several designs that he chose , including names for rides had been changed after he left the business. This includes the selection of the Intamin Hot Racer, which i think we can all agree , is not a bad thing, considering that the option chosen was a custom layout Eurofighter. However, having been privy to some of the designs and names that were originally planned, it is frustrating to see a lack of sympathetic theming and nods to the past in what we have ended up with. 

I am willing to reserve judgment on the Big Dipper, queue, station and wall as it is obviously still being constructed and could well recieve painting or murals more sympathetic to the moorish theming of the entrance.

I can add though, that the original planner Brad has expressed frustrations with the final execution and the loss of some of his thematic elements that had planned for each and every ride.

The first lost opportunity for mine has been the generic naming for the majority of the rides - some of them are simply uninspiring! and the lack of bridges that hopefully can be added in the near future.

We do have to celebrate the fine additions that have been added and the sense of joy and excitement for when they finally open.

Fingers crossed that better thematic elements and better assimilation of queues into the Luna Park aesthetic can still occur.

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

Why wouldn't it be?

I don't know. This subject isn't my forte - its why I asked. 

For me - the metal tunnel bridge prevents people from dropping objects onto the train or into it's path. I can't see them achieving anything similar in timber without it looking even worse. 

The only other 'bridge over a coaster track' I can think of in Australia is Storm - and that is a fully enclosed shipping container - which granted, does fit the 'theme' of that particular ride. 

4 minutes ago, Jobe said:

I am willing to reserve judgment on the Big Dipper, queue, station and wall as it is obviously still being constructed and could well recieve painting or murals more sympathetic to the moorish theming of the entrance.

A very fair statement. Not sure how much they can do with 'stainless tunnel number 1' but if the midway sightlines are done well, the backend is probably less critical.


I am sometimes amused at the bipolar nature of this place. 

Vortex - "well, you could never have expected them to ACTUALLY build all that theming"

LPS - "why aren't they making it look better?"


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1 hour ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

 am sometimes amused at the bipolar nature of this place. 

Vortex - "well, you could never have expected them to ACTUALLY build all that theming"

LPS - "why aren't they making it look better?"


Yeah but SW did that as a strategic business move

Edited by JoshiYomanto
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Whilst I do agree that the Big Dipper area could be done a bit better as @Dom has said I do believe it will improve over time as luna park does tend to continually plus and upgrade its aesthetic. I think it may be a bit more jarring for the guys on the Gold Coast as normally what you get at opening is it and they don't update their rides (for the better) or add extra bits of theming after the ride is open. To be honest I think at this point in time I'm more bothered with the New Atlantis project as it touted itself to be an immersive experience with huge rock work and waterfalls which have seemingly been cut whereas here all that was promised was a selection of rides. In saying that though I think they have done a decent job with boomerangs station and I think BD's will look nice when it is completed. 

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39 minutes ago, Mc coaster said:To be honest I think at this point in time I'm more bothered with the New Atlantis project as it touted itself to be an immersive experience with huge rock work and waterfalls which have seemingly been cut whereas here all that was promised was a selection of rides. In saying that though I think they have done a decent job with boomerangs station and I think BD's will look nice when it is completed. 

Yep, spot on the money. One is touting their expansion as “world class” yet will deliver something incredibly lackluster compared to the concept art for almost double the budget of LPS which is delivering theirs on time, on budget and exactly as suggested in the concept art.


Yet as @Dom says most people here will still praise VRTP…

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1 hour ago, Jobe said:

Fingers crossed that the execution is far improved from what we have seen so far and that adequate gives way to amazing and brilliant and allows each ride to be remembered for its intial impression and aesthetic in each visitors memorybank. To do so would be the overarching win for the park. I live in hope that this occurs in some way.

Those photos are absolutely beautiful. I remember buying the history book from the gift shop when I was very young, with many of the photos you have so generously shared here included. I love Luna Park as a second home of mine, but I wholeheartedly agree that the 1930’s amusement charm has left. Recently as well, with the final removal of the Tumble Bug and Spider. I hope these names make a comeback sometime in the future.

The River Caves, the Goofy House, even the Ghost Train. I miss them, even though I wasn’t even alive to see them. I understand bringing back the Ghost Train would be in poor taste, but the River Caves and Goofy House would be so alluring today!

23 hours ago, rappa said:

why must Australia constantly have the half assed version of everything when the entire rest of the world constantly shows it can be done better. 

Oh man I felt that one hard :,( Literally always been thinking (and on occasion, speaking) about how Australia is one of the only large countries in the world without massive parks. Movie World is slowly becoming a hot destination for coaster enthusiasts, and hopefully Dreamworld can make a valiant return with ST. 

I am a very optimistic person, born and raised that way haha. So I usually can see the positive sides to this problem. One thing I find with our parks atm, although some are more than others, it doesn’t go to that ‘level’ seen in other continents. But then I realised, if I was American or even European, I probably would be so used to it that the excitement is harder to achieve. Going to Disney World 3 years ago, I was in absolute AWE. Something you couldn’t see in Australia, so much more unique than what we are used to. Then I watch videos, and everyone is like “Yeh Disney, pre cool, seen that done that a million times”, and I’m like WHAT?! I would never in a million years wish to become “used” to a park like that! The magic is gone :(

That’s the one positive I see with being an Australian Coaster Enthusiast. You’ve got some awesome rides nearby to satisfy enough, but you can save the experiences for those special times when you save up and travel the world, makes the experience 10x more memorable in my opinion :) 

Now before anyone gets up my arse, OF COURSE I would love a Disney, a Six Flags, and a Busch Gardens! 


 but the positive side is something I can hold onto in order to stop myself getting frustrated over having pretty mediocre stuff here most of the time. Not saying anyone else should feel the same, but it’s interesting to say the least. We as Aussie enthusiasts don’t take great parks for granted! At least we got that I guess 🙂


Edited by Gtmichaels
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1 minute ago, Gazza said:

@Jobe what are the bridges you keep mentioning?

Sorry Gazza I should have clarified. Bridges are the old school name for the theming or facade for a ride. In the above pictures that I posted, the large Tumblebug figure over the Traver ride and the extensive Ghost Train "theming" on top of the building itself are all considered classic bridges. 

They have nothing to do with actual bridges you cross however simply refer to the thematic elements that "bridge" the experience from the normal and the mundane to the beginning and end of the ride event.

I guess this is where immersive theming began and rides such as these from where Walt Disney took his inspiration from    ( such as Tivoli Gardens in Denmark) and then broadened and expanded the experience with the examples of the Disney like theming we have today.

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On 15/10/2021 at 9:03 PM, Jobe said:

No wonder the older generation of visitors always remark on how Luna Park had charm and evoked such strong memories.

Bet none of it was up to modern fire codes though. ;)

I'm sure we'd all say much the same about the charm and strong memories we all have of SDSCV1 as opposed to the 'galvanised' version we have in SDSCNG:V2

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