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Dreamworld: What If?

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We know that Dreamworld is opening "The Park" Patisserie & Grill very soon which will likely form the new exit to the park. We know that the new Sumatran tiger enclosure is only weeks away, and we know that Dreamworld needs to add some more new things to aid in their recovery in guest confidence. 

Everyone has an opinion on what should happen. A lot of people are expecting some big draw-card rides and attractions, some people are expecting more family orientated activities. Some people are expecting a return or removal of the mine ride. And some people are just expecting the entire park to become a fully enclosed dark ride only accessible via a monorail. 

However, I propose a new theory. Scratch all that. 

Lets run a new theory. To start with, you guys like fridge calendars, right? 

MAY 2017

> Open "The Park"



> Open Tiger Island extension



> Reopen the Log Ride

> Reopen the Vintage Cars



> Corroboree stage 2


2018 & Beyond

Now, I'm just going to preface this with the fact I went to bed at 0345, woke up at 0700, 0900 and finally got out of bed at 1000. I'm very tired and this will probably contain quite a bit of rambling. Apologies in advance - rereading this, I don't like the flow of it and how it's written, but I'm too tired to make sense of what I mean and fix it sorry. 


Dreamworld is in the perfect position in my opinion. They, through some tragic circumstances, have been given a chance to reinvent themselves. Sure, it's not going to be an easy task, and I don't mean in any way to disrespect the people involved in the incident, but there wouldn't have been any easier way to close down a large section of the park. I mean, they're not on the scale of Disney where there's still plenty to do otherwise. 

Dreamworld have been focusing on "Australiana" lately, so why not continue that trend? Asia is a huge market for our parks, and Dreamworld seems to be the main property targeting that market. Are we expecting that to change?

What if they re-purposed some areas of the park for new, long lasting "experiences" rather than short-lived attractions like rides and coasters? Movie World hands down has the coaster game in the bag, Dreamworld have to know they can't compete with that, so they can aim for the market the VRTP doesn't seem too keen on right now. 

On the coaster front though, could we see Gold Rush refreshed to bring back the Mine Ride? I wouldn't be ruling that out yet. If it was to be scrapped completely, I'd like to think they would have just been up front about it by now. All we've seen is things like "we'd love it to come back", "watch this space" etc. If it was a foregone conclusion that it was leaving, I'd expect "the Mine Ride is going to be replaced by a new attraction at a later date" or something similar. 

But coasters aside. Experiences: VRTP, mainly through Movie World are clearly aiming for "bigger is better".

Could we be about to see some new "Australian Experiences"?

Could we even see the introduction of international brands and ideas that other parks haven't done before? 

Could Dreamworld be about to take the step of "better is bigger" in terms of marketing the park as a full day of different experiences for the whole family? 


Just something to think about anyway.  Rides may not be the solution for Dreamworld at the moment. You could get one coaster, or maybe 3 or 4 different "experiences" for the same price.

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Thanks @Reanimated35, inspiring stuff!

DW certainly need to continue to look outside of the box and think about what they do have and what makes them unique and great.

I have long stood by the Australiana themes of DW and there is still so many more for them to explore. For one, I would love to see some Aussie Folklore return to the Park (yes - return) which would transition nicely to the Wildlife areas of the back of the Park. A centrepiece "Great Southern Land" flying Theatre attraction, a reimagined Mine ride and a family style dark ride would tick enough boxes to make such a new area well rounded.

As far as bringing big International brands, how about a Legoland to take up all of the unused space? I think there is enough land to build a modest sized Lego Park there. The location is ripe to benefit both brands and would beautifully round off the entertainment offerings of the North Coomera precint, offering a true 'all under the one roof' alternative to the Village Parks.

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Nice find! 

A lot of interesting info in their thats for sure. 

For those who have been getting snaps recently, does Park P&G look like it's only 5 days from opening? 

They've done well so far with the iconic brands coming in. I'd love to see them get an American burger joint outlet in there, maybe an In N Out Burger or something similar.

repurposing land sounds great, and I'd hope would be focused around GoldRush & the old waterpark

definitely sounds like we won't be getting any 'wow' rides, that they will be more attraction/experience based. That focus could work just fine, but they would need to be both unique and very well executed to draw uplifted attendance. 

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I rode the Mine Ride precisely twice in my childhood and and maybe I'm misremembering it or maybe I was too young to appreciate it but I don't recall there being anything noteworthy about it aside from how dark it was. I'm all for more roller coasters, especially good ones at Dreamworld, but a 'return' of the Mine Ride imo would require an almost complete rebuild in order for it to be anything to write home about.

Also, re: the Mine Ride, I'll believe it when I fucking see it. Seriously, it's like the Orphan Rocker of the sunshine state.

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Better - not bigger

I'm thinking this is both a good and a bad thing.

As a bad thing, DW are in need of a "big" attraction to rival MW. They won't be able to get back up off the ground easily if they don't.

However I also think better is what Dreamworld also need, they've put some effort into the park into the past few years, and I think if they continue that around the rest of the park that would be great.

If they said "bigger and better", that's when I'd be satisfied.

I'm a bit disappointed they don't have plans for any "exhilarating" attractions. Experience attractions are good and all, but you can only have so many, and Dreamworld have a fair few already. Mine Ride reopening is one good thing, but I would honestly prefer they demolished it and put a big coaster in its place.

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Really exciting stuff. However, 'Australian experiences' in my opinion is not so much directed at locals or interstate guests, but those residing overseas. Didn't we learn that something like 70% of DW's attendance is from locals? And isn't that the group of people mostly affected by the decline in attendance?

I think a very fun, 'safe' (in the eyes of the GP) family dark(?) ride could be something to win back locals. Not an Australian-themed 'experience'. Of course, I have no idea what type of attraction this could be from their vauge description. Time will tell!

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8 hours ago, Cactus_Matt said:

I rode the Mine Ride precisely twice in my childhood and and maybe I'm misremembering it or maybe I was too young to appreciate it but I don't recall there being anything noteworthy about it aside from how dark it was. I'm all for more roller coasters, especially good ones at Dreamworld, but a 'return' of the Mine Ride imo would require an almost complete rebuild in order for it to be anything to write home about.

Also, re: the Mine Ride, I'll believe it when I fucking see it. Seriously, it's like the Orphan Rocker of the sunshine state.

I'll believe Eureka reopening when I see it too. But for its' time, it was a great ride. Long before Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster this thing was the best Wild Mouse we had.

The noteworthy thing you're missing out on (also go read older Eureka threads here for others' fond memories), was the shooting out of the mountain, with the implication you were about to freefall, Wile E. Coyote style, 30m down into the dam holding TRRR's water! There was a left turn not long after you emerge from the mountain, bringing you alongside/back inside again. Great moment of that ride.


In response to the email, "Experiences over exhilaration" is so very risky. For the last 20 years in my circles of friends (people not hardcore Theme Park enthusiasts), compare the parks by starting at signature rides. Of course I have no idea what "experiences that stay with you" means, but I really want to see that as anything but Ardent not dropping significant capex into the park. How repeatable will these experiences be?

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I agree that a family ride that has 'safe' GP appeal is a wise choice and given their recent trips to the USA I'm becoming more hopeful of a ' Soarin, Flying Theatre'  style attraction. It's definitely an experience and one that stirs emotions/carries with you.

When they refer to repurposing land for Attractions etc it is becoming clearer to me now that Vintage Cars will be relocated and cover a similar path to where TRRR stands today. This makes sense to build phase2 of Corroboree where the VC presently sit.

Another big challenge is making all 3 of these rides safe and compliant in the eyes of Insurance companies and the Park's standards. The Mine ride has been reconfigured enough times now to be deemed "in-house' and it's safety restraints are an issue if you can unlock the seat belts (and stand up?) during the ride.

With no current restraints in place, is the Log ride also a potential safety issue? Same goes for the VC's and even though it's very slow ride,  I wouldn't expect DW to take any chances when it comes to safety.


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52 minutes ago, Gazza said:

Hang on I'm confused, so was the OP supposed to be your actual ideas for the future for a concept of experiences, or a parody of the staff briefing?

Nah, the op was because I was still at that point under the impression that it was fake. 

If it was, putting it out there as a theory was a way to get the info out there without trying to claim it as fact and give any air time to the people who made it. 

Now that I know it was actually an internal email update to staff, the photo was posted showing where it came from. 

At least that way it was a talking point rather than having a bunch of theme park Facebook pages claiming it as fact and running with it without verification. 

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I like the idea of Better not Bigger. But I do think they still need a ride to fill the gap left by TRR - a family thrill ride, because I think the point of difference that DW has with MW is that it is geared more towards the family whereas MW is aimed at the thrill seeker. Maybe an outback adventure type ride similar to Indiana Jones at Disneyland? Not necessarily in the same scale as that would be prohibitively pricey but a mini landcruiser on tracks - maybe re-purpose/redesign Vintage cars with faster, rugged vehicles going over hilly terrain with a few splash zones and with native fauna running around near the track. That would be an Australian experience! :) And yay to more seating in the grandstand at Tiger Island!!

Edited by Redboost
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I feel eureka will probably be a complete rebuild. Possibly using a MACK wild mouse?   good to hear if eureka will reopen sounds like they won't completely remove town of  goldrush  this is all great news I love the direction they are heading with this  maybe this is just the first step to eventually seeing a new larger attraction later on after putting these new theme enhancements and new experiences in place exciting times!! 

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If Eureka is rebuilt, I hope they go for a spinning coaster. MW has a fantastic Wild Mouse down the road, and it would be hard to beat, while a spinning coaster keeps the family-friendliness, but also adds something that the GC parks currently don't have. I've heard fantastic things about Maurer and Mack spinning coasters, I think a spinner from either of these two manufacturers would work really well for Dreamworld. Something like this or this.

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I'm so excited over these new plans. My interpretation of them focusing on memorable experiences as opposed to 'momentary exhilaration' (aka thrill rides) is that they have ultimately decided to veer away from building up their thrill ride repertoire - which they have been doing for the past decade or so - and focusing on the other aspects of the park which made it famous to begin with. 

As most are aware, the park was less thrill ride orientated back in the 80's and early/mid 90's, vouching for an overall family experience with tamer rides, lush greenery and a vintage feel to it. The addition of the Tower of Terror marked the change of path toward adding more and more excitement and thrill rides instead - more of a 'Six Flags' vision, as someone recently put it. 

I believe (and also secretly hope) that in light of what happened last year and now having to earn back the confidence and love of the public again, the park has decided to fall back on its roots and go with some aspects of nostalgia revival by restoring & improving some of the experiences Dreamworld originally used to offer... bringing back old favourites (Log Ride, Vintage Cars, Mine Ride), Aussie wildlife discovery and interaction, Indigenous education and what I believe will be attractions and/or rides focused more on catering more for families as a whole, instead of adrenaline junkies. 

Honestly I think Dreamworld are making a fantastic choice with what direction they are taking here. Sure, it may come as a big disappointment to those who were expecting them to add more thrill rides, a B&M coaster etc... but this really is what the park needs to do right now to fully win back the love of the public. To go back to its roots and reconnect with guests via the fond memories and experiences of the park they grew up with. 

Bring it on, I say 👍👍👍 

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