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This Movie World hypercoaster rendering is cool... but it's not real

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Hey everyone,

@jack.c: thank you for sharing my video!

This is my first posting here so i want to thank you all for the constant updates on the construction. Thanks to all these pictures (especially the aerial perspective) showing the foundations I was able to recreate the ride. I took a really close look on the position of the footers and tryed out many different variations of the layout to fit it in best. I'm quite sure that the simulation meets the actual layout at about 90% of the track very closely. There are only a very few footer positions left out after I assigned all the others in a proper manner.

Anyway the video should give us a hint on what the ride may look and feel like - thats all about it. 

Greetings from Germany ;)


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The person that disigned that layout is from Germany. I translated his post and he says he thinks he is 90% correct and I would pretty much agree with that. Looks like an awesome layout. 

"Since the image of all the foundations is outside, it has not left me loosely to figure out how the layout of the web will be. Thus, I have worked for some time and tried to assign the foundations to a possible course of the course. That was a quite lengthy back and forth but in the end I have a think I can determine 90% correct layout."


edit: ^ There he is ??? Welcome ?

Edited by xRazzBerryx
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It's very cute that he thinks he is 90% correct. 

Its got a lift hill and it's magenta and charcoal. Yep well 90% is right, with the 10% just being the entire layout and elements :P


Nice ride but it's all floater and no ejector so it's a no thanks from me. 

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6 minutes ago, djrappa said:

It's very cute that he thinks he is 90% correct. 

Its got a lift hill and it's magenta and charcoal. Yep well 90% is right, with the 10% just being the entire layout and elements :P


Nice ride but it's all floater and no ejector so it's a no thanks from me. 

He's guess is as good as yours. I think it gives us a great ROUGH idea of what's to come though. 

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@jack.c in case you aren't aware,  a number of members and Community Leaders are existing and former employees of the GC Parks, so yeah, there are a few that are well and truly 'in the know' with what is going on behind the scenes, so to speak.

VTP Employees are also bound by contract to keep quiet on details of unannounced attractions for the Parks. Mind you this is a practice that has only come about since early 2000s under current Management. When I was there we proudly spruiked about new developments. It's a pretty different place though nowadays with a lot of entry level front line staff not so much treated like they are part of a family as once was the case. The crazy growth of the internet and social media in the last decade has also perhaps dictated a different culture.

Back on topic, I loved that video and would be well chuffed if we get anything that good. Reckon the themeing of the station is pretty on point ?


Edited by MickeyD
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7 hours ago, Gazza said:

Have you seen it in person?


6 hours ago, red dragin said:

Whilst I agree that that the colour will appear different depending on the light levels, there is no way that could be pink. 

of course it's not pink each time i've said it was but i used a different color not pink.

i started with #cc00ff and have been moving down the scale by one each time messing with your minds.

Edited by bladex
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@docoaster Daaaamn, you put my NL2 effort to shame hahaha.

Would love more airtime, but I would have guessed your way the way this coaster will actually go, those clustered footings in the middle really do suggest at least two inversions.

@djrappa's comments, however do give me hope that you're not completely correct, and we'll see some more ejector air, less boring inversions.

Edited by AllegroCrab
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I colored the footers on the map to show in which way I matched them with the layout: 

yellow: final brake, station, lifthill + first drop, first airtime hill, loop entry

blue: loop exit, overbanked turn, inclined dive

pink: twisted airtime hill (or whatever you want to call it), zero g roll, overbanked turn

red: another overbanked turn, corkscrew, 3 x airtime hill

cyan: couldn't be matched 

Looking at some pictures of "Flash" at Leva Adventure helped a lot to figure how the footers may be used. Its easy to see that the distance of the footerpairs is related to the track hight. Of course it is not easy to tell how high the elements will be exactly but at this point I trusted my experience. :D This means that in the end there may be more or less airtime depending on the actual shape of the track.

The hardest part was to figure out what kind of elements are located in the middle of the layout. It took me quite a while to realise that the looping support structure at Lewa matches perfectly with the position of the footers.

I hope this explaines my assumption of a 90% correct layout. ;)

If you have any improvements please feel free to tell. I will also update the simulation when the construction prograss reveals more details.  




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  • 1 month later...
54 minutes ago, Glubbo said:



OK, seeing this pic has gotten me so damn excited!!! That is definitely enough confirmation for me that we are looking at the entrance/exit of what will be a lovely looking giant loop, esp going by  @docoaster's animation which has been practically spot on since day of construction. This was the one feature of the Flash Hyper that I had been hoping and praying to see as part of ours!

Bring it onnnnn 😁😁😁

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2 minutes ago, Theme Park Girl said:

OK, seeing this pic has gotten me so damn excited!!! That is definitely enough confirmation for me that we are looking at the entrance/exit of what will be a lovely looking giant loop, esp going by  @docoaster's animation which has been practically spot on since day of construction. This was the one feature of the Flash Hyper that I had been hoping and praying to see as part of ours!

Bring it onnnnn 😁😁😁

But with the 40's pieces being so twisted, it's got to be more than a loop?

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Yeah it's pretty clear from the heavily twisted pieces due to be installed in this section that we're not looking at a loop like Flash. Let's kill that idea right now. 

The No-Limits simulation did a great job of working off the footing locations and designing a ride in the Mack style so of course it's going to get some things right but once again, let's not get carried away. It got the S-bend and twisted camel back hill completely wrong. The loop is now certainly wrong too so neither of the first two inversions were right. The helix currently under construction is way off and also makes the third corkscrew inversion implausible. That leaves the just Stengel Dive and inclined dive loop as correct thus far. Even then there's the issue of pacing; the height of the elements and the use of speed and forces plays a huge part in shaping the ride experience.

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1 hour ago, Richard said:

That leaves the just Stengel Dive and inclined dive loop as correct thus far. 

Ah, that was what I was mainly referring to... the major track features and their general positioning of them thus far. I totally understand some of them aren't going to be exactly to length/scale. I can only assume one would probably need to see a copy of the rides' schematic to work all that stuff out... or be pretty damn good at mathematics haha (maybe just talking from personal experience here, I'd never be able to work any of that out to begin with 😮) 

Regardless I think its safe to say that he's first in line with his predication atm for that Parkz shirt, yeah? 😁

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OK time out here:


Thing is when you say something is practically spot on and it's not you will get called out on it.  It's really good what he made, but it's not right, and doubling down on how right it is right before a massive 'it's not right' moment is a bit silly.  


I mean of the 4 things that have been built 2 are right, one is off the mark and one is totally wrong, another is about to be wrong.  Don't take it as a personal attack when someone points that out.  


Finally, and this is for both of you; you're among the adults on the boards, don't make it personal and childish.

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@joz by all means, I'm happy to apologise and admit when I'm wrong. I've done it on here before (for a recent example, see the topic about the hole in Eureka Mountain) and I'll continue to do it in future. I also would have probably done so this time round too, had I realised I had worded my post in a way that implies I was avoiding doing anything of the sort. 

But that post was clearly more than just pointing out a mistake on my part. Why not simply state "I think you should admit to Richard that you were wrong and apologise" in a respectful manner and leave it at that? Why leave remarks implying that a off-forum personal grudge against me is a contributing factor as well? Why go on to lecture over alleged personal faults, and then be as petty as to mock me over what smilies I choose to use regularly in my posts? Exactly how does any of this relate to anything? 

Honestly, I'm questioning how can any of the above could NOT be clearly seen as a personal attack?  

I'm sorry but I am not going to take shit anymore, and I will defend myself when I feel the need to. 

@Richard of course I am sorry if I upset or offended you in any way with my post or response to it. Most people here would be well aware by now that I sometime word things backwards or in a funny way. But I never do it intentionally. That's just me.

Anyway, I'm off to 'adult' at work. These posts will probably be well and truly gone by the time I log back in, so I might as well leave it there. I'm over it.  

Edited by Theme Park Girl
Worded it to what I wanted to say earlier, had not running late for work been a factor.
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I have absolutely no idea why Theme Park Girl, whose contributions I and I'm sure many others value greatly, has been attacked in this thread, including seemingly by members of the Parkz crew. It's just bizarre. Please don't stop contributing TPG! I also find it strange that there is an attempt to bring down and fault the user that created that great mock-up video of the coaster. It certainly gave a sense of the scale, regardless of whether individual elements were 100% correct. Are people envious about this or something?

Thanks to everyone who is updating the thread regularly with pics. It's nice that barely a day goes by without new photos. This is going to be one well covered coaster, as it should be! Movie World might not be interested in marketing it, but it's certainly getting plenty of attention on Parkz.


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