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Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster refurb

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11 minutes ago, djrappa said:

The hidden drop would be so much better with eddy current braking and a nice smooth stop. I also miss it being completely hidden by the original green laser.

Not trying to be a dick mate, but was "eddy" a typo or a term I'm not familiar with?

I really do hope they bring back that green 'cone' laser just after the turntable. That was awesome. 

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Going back to the beginning of this thread, personally I would be devastated if  the maintenance time resulted in the ride not being Scooby-Doo themed. The ride has become such an icon and is one of the best themed rides in Australia, its already made a name for itself as the Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster, why would MW give it a new name and theme? I was also a massive Scooby Doo fan when I was younger, and I'm sure many others where as well, it would just be plain sad if it wasn't Scooby. It's also themed to a movie that was made right next door to MW, and that in itself is special. Hopefully its just a revamp with some added special effects...

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2 hours ago, Reanimated35 said:

Ah, sweet, cheers. 

Yeah magnetic is the kind of generic term that gets thrown around but it's not actually what is happening with the braking force. Eddy Current braking is kind of a industry term I guess. 


Apologies for the confusion. 

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For me, SDSC is different every time in regards to smoothness, brake toughness and speed. Sometimes all the brakes are real tough and jarring all the way through. While other times, those last couple of drops are real quick and when you hit the brakes, damn it hurts. And then other times, it can be perfect all the way through and a real comfortable ride.

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I didn't mind Gremlins, and I hold fond memories of it. It wasn't the most thrilling ride by far, but it was worth it for the awesome theming and experience. I guess the closest comparison I can make of it l to today's rides is Justice League without the game (laser gun & 3D) component and more active animatronics as a whole. I also enjoyed the aspect of it being tied in with 'real life' as well, with the attraction presenters acting out that it was a real invasion. 

That said, I don't know if it would work today. It was impressive in its time, but would need a lot of work and a major upgrade of modern technology to wow today's generation I think. 

In my opinion, Scooby isn't worth that sacrifice. But if they ever decided (extremely unlikely, I know) to bring it back as a new & updated attraction as opposed to a replacement one, I'd totally be up for it 👍


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1 hour ago, themagician said:

For me, SDSC is different every time in regards to smoothness, brake toughness and speed. Sometimes all the brakes are real tough and jarring all the way through. While other times, those last couple of drops are real quick and when you hit the brakes, damn it hurts. And then other times, it can be perfect all the way through and a real comfortable ride.

Same with me! Most of the time it's fine, but I always brace for the sharp breaks just incase 😂 

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A new Scooby Doo animated film was scheduled for release in 2018.  Variety is reporting that is now being pushed back to 2020.


I don't think this has anything to do with the theming changes to SDSC, but a new Scooby theatrical release makes it worthwhile holding onto the license a bit longer.

Also, just so people know and can speculate about future attractions, In addition to Scooby Doo, Warner Bros. are rebooting the following franchises for theatrical release:

- The Jetsons (animated)

- Short Circuit

- The Matrix

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1 hour ago, wikiverse said:

A new Scooby Doo animated film was scheduled for release in 2018.  Variety is reporting that is now being pushed back to 2020.


I don't think this has anything to do with the theming changes to SDSC, but a new Scooby theatrical release makes it worthwhile holding onto the license a bit longer.

Also, just so people know and can speculate about future attractions, In addition to Scooby Doo, Warner Bros. are rebooting the following franchises for theatrical release:

- The Jetsons (animated)

- Short Circuit

- The Matrix

Short circuit..... I absolutely love those movies I hope they do something with it like a little model robot of johny 5..... I would buy 1 for sure 👍👍

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I like Scooby being themed for the movie that was filmed at the park, but changing the theme for the new Scooby Doo movie also makes sense.  3 years is too long to wait for a fix though, hope it goes back to being roughly how it was, with a few enhancements here and there to make it worth advertising.


As for the rest;  Jetsons would be an interesting franchise for a ride.  A trip through a cartoon future could be kind of fun.  Can picture a screen heavy darkride working rather well.  You'd have to do it in the style of the movie though because the original Jetsons is pretty hokey by today's standards, and given how bad Warner Brothers are at making movies at the moment you'd have to be brave to back them to handle a reboot of something made for a different era.


The Matrix is about the most perfect movie concept for a big outdoor coaster ever, it's one of the only themes where you literally only have to theme the queue and station and still have a ride which tells it's story perfectly (The queue is 'real world' the coaster chair plugs you into the matrix and the coaster is an advanced training program.  That easy!).  Providing they don't stuff up the reboot then you'd theme it to that, if they do screw it up just theme it to original, reckon it's a proven classic at this point.


Short Circut I'd love to see but not as a ride, but by having a Number 5 robot roaming main street interacting with guests.  It's been done before with PUSH at Disneyland, and Universal did a similar sort of thing with that fountain at IoA.

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Someone on FB asked MW what was happening with the SDSC, and they replied:

"Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster will soon be undergoing some wonderful thematic enhancements."

So from this I think we can say that the ride will be staying themed to Scooby-Doo and that the theming will be improved upon.

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